Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Surf shots

Here are some surf shots I took at Pismo Beach in California.  See!  I can take normal pictures!

First Blog

Okey doke.  Let me start by saying I have no illusions that anyone actually gives a rats ass what I am up to every second of my day.  Pah-leeease.  I am starting this blog (shiver) as a way to share my photography.  Rather than my regular photo website (cleverly titled - which, at this point, is strictly my abstract light stuff - I figure i will just throw random shots up here as the mood strikes me.  Again, who gives a shit?  Probably no one - but my husband keeps nagging me (lovingly of course) to get my shite out there.  So there you have it.  (oh - that I am really in need of another outlet for procrastination.)                 And away we go..........